Search for Airports, by Name ICAO, IATA or FAA Code

Many airports around the world have an alphanumerical reference code to identify them. IATA codes are generally three letters and are mainly used for commercial ticketing and luggage tags. ICAO codes are generally four characters long, these are used operationally for flight plans. The FAA also publishes airport codes for airfields within its territory.

Click the name of the airport to show a location map, and weather information.

Name or Code

NameOther NameICAOIATAFAALatitudeLongitude
Durham Tees Valley AirportTeessideEGNV MME  54.509189-1.429406
Durham FarmFreemanKZ  MO60 38.57918-94.48301
Duke University NorthDurhamKZ  NC92 36.00653-78.93862
Merrymeeting LakeNew DurhamKZ  NH68 43.47997-71.17016
KampDurhamvilleKZ  1B4 43.13472-75.6489
Raleigh Durham IntlRaleigh DurhamKRDU RDU RDU 35.877639-78.787472
HansenDurhamvilleKZ  02NY 43.13257-75.65546
Maplewood FarmDurhamKZ  CT39 41.46843-72.70843
DurhamRussellvilleKZ  II68 39.85505-86.95918
Durham Downs, QLDDurham DownsYDRH DHD  -27.0750166666667141.900016666667

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