Search for Airports, by Name ICAO, IATA or FAA Code

Many airports around the world have an alphanumerical reference code to identify them. IATA codes are generally three letters and are mainly used for commercial ticketing and luggage tags. ICAO codes are generally four characters long, these are used operationally for flight plans. The FAA also publishes airport codes for airfields within its territory.

Click the name of the airport to show a location map, and weather information.

Name or Code

NameOther NameICAOIATAFAALatitudeLongitude
Kansas City IntlKansas City IntlKMCI MCI MCI 39.297606-94.713905
Truman Medical Center EastKansas CityKZ  MO05 38.97612-94.39551
St Joseph Health CenterKansas CityKZ  MO21 38.93612-94.6044
Spelman/st. Luke's HospitalKansas CityKZ  MO63 39.25222-94.64606
Baptist Medical CenterKansas CityKZ  MO69 39.00611-94.57718
Va Medical CenterKansas CityKZ  MU58 39.06417-94.52551
DstKansas CityKZ  MU67 39.01195-94.51051
North Patrol Div StationKansas CityKZ  19MO 39.24445-94.58912
Municipal Office BldgKansas CityKZ  SN79 39.11306-94.62607
Charles B Wheeler DowntownKansas City DKMKC MKC MKC 39.12325-94.59275
East Kansas CityEast Kansas CityKZ  K3GV 39.015561-94.21328
HeartKansas CityKZ  0L8 39.075-94.50634
Bert Walter BerkowitzKansas CityKZ  0MO4 39.08528-94.57384
University of Kansas Medical CenterKansas CityKZ  10KS 39.05667-94.61079
Runway RanchKansas CityKZ  2MO9 38.95001-94.45023
TylerArkansas CityKZ  30KS 37.13225-97.07337
Police Dept Helicopter Maint FacilityKansas CityKZ  3MO1 39.04584-94.49745
Research Medical CenterKansas CityKZ  3MO3 39.00806-94.55815
St Lukes HospitalKansas CityKZ  5MO5 39.05084-94.5894
Providence/st Margaret FldKansas CityKZ  6KS9 39.12695-94.78774
Executive Hills Polo ClubKansas CityKZ  72MU 39.28056-94.67135
Childrens Mercy HospitalKansas CityKZ  75MO 39.0825-94.5769
Truman Medical Center EastKansas CityKZ  7MO0 38.97501-94.39468
North Kansas City HospitalN Kansas CtyKZ  83MO 39.14945-94.55135

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