Search for Airports, by Name ICAO, IATA or FAA Code

Many airports around the world have an alphanumerical reference code to identify them. IATA codes are generally three letters and are mainly used for commercial ticketing and luggage tags. ICAO codes are generally four characters long, these are used operationally for flight plans. The FAA also publishes airport codes for airfields within its territory.

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Name or Code

NameOther NameICAOIATAFAALatitudeLongitude
Traian VuiaTimisoaraLRTR TSR  45.80986121.337861
TratTratVTBO   12.275269102.319917
TrangTrangVTST TST  7.50874499.616578
TrabzonTrabzonLTCG TZX  40.99510839.789728
Transylvania CountyTransylvaniaKZ  K22W 35.270278-82.644167
Fairfield Travis AFBTravis AFBKSUU SUU SUU 38.262692-121.927464
Trapper Creek StripConnerKZ  MT30 45.9402-114.137
TraudtSuttonKZ  NE86 40.66557-97.86977
TravisMariettaKZ  OK29 33.93593-97.05445
Traynor RanchWaukomisKZ  OK50 36.3325-97.89306
TravisSmicksburgKZ  PS98 40.8834-79.19337
TradewindAmarilloKZ TDW KTDW 35.169881-101.825858
Transportation Research Center Of OhioTRC OhioKZ  9OI5 40.308114-83.541733
Cherry CapitalTraverse CityKTVC TVC TVC 44.741444-85.582236
Tracy MuniTracy MuniKZ TCY KTCY 37.688956-121.441539
TrahanCanktonKZ  0LS5 30.30687-92.12984
Tracy MuniTracy MuniKZ  KTKC 44.249114-95.607261
Transco Tower GarageHoustonKZ  TS31 29.7369-95.46161
33 StripTracyKZ  CA54 37.67049-121.3277
Travel LodgeAtlantic BeachKZ  FA66 30.32413-81.41175
Sugar Loaf ResortTraverse CityKZ  Y04 44.9125-85.81397
Tracy MuniTracyKZ  Y68 44.24911-95.60726
Training And Technology CenterCorneliusKZ  1NC2 35.4393-80.94063
NapodanoTransferKZ  1PN1 41.33422-80.42062
Tracy RanchHill CityKZ  ID88 43.2874-115.0801
Munson Medical CenterTraverse CityKZ  22MI 44.76056-85.64397
Trade ZoneMount OliveKZ  JY02 40.89677-74.71906
Transco Station SoshCentervilleKZ  JY23 40.52205-74.73183
TractSnellvilleKZ  2GE9 33.8975-84.02389
TranscoKaplanKZ  2LA8 29.98298-92.28152
TravisBastropKZ  LA63 32.97167-91.83083
Trade WindOak BluffsKZ  MA44 41.44178-70.5703
Tradewinds AerodromeScottsmoorKZ  3FD6 28.76416-80.85394
Transamerica CenterLos AngelesKZ  46CL 34.03973-118.2284
Tranquilo TestolinTranquiloSB  SNTT -18.758197-45.107561
Tranquility Bay StripFort MyersKZ  4FA3 26.64341-82.11787
Lake Ann Airway EstatesTraverse CityKZ  4M0 44.69778-85.91361
TrailTrailCY  CAD4 49.055556-117.609167
Transco DelcambreDelcambreKZ  59LA 29.9502-91.98262
Trading Bay ProductionTrading BayKZ  5AK0 60.81555-151.7989
TragesserTiptonKZ  5IN3 40.30032-86.05026
Trapper Creek/talkeetnaEra Chulitna RvrKZ  61AK 62.56755-150.2359
Traverse AirWheatonKZ  61MN 45.95357-96.4009
Traylor Tick FarmBellvilleKZ  61TX 29.97245-96.30719
Transcontinental Gas Pipeline CorpBaton RougeKZ  67LA 30.46297-91.11399
Trapani BirgiTrapani BirgiLICT TPS  37.91140312.487961
TaramaNew TaramaRORT TRA  24.653889124.675278
Transco KaplanKaplanKZ  85LA 29.98132-92.28235
TranquilaYoderKZ  88CO 38.8861-104.2488
Traer MuniTraerKZ  8C6 42.19916-92.45797
Traben-Trarbach (Mont Royal)Traben-TrarbachEDRM   49.5757.0666
Transco SchrieverThibodauxKZ  8LA0 29.74632-90.82954
TradewaterDawson SpringsKZ  8M7 37.18893-87.675
Travis Afb Aero ClubFairfieldKZ  8Q0 38.26936-121.9752
Trauma CenterAllentownKZ  98PN 40.56121-75.52352
Trap Travelstead FieldWinonaKZ  98TS 32.41821-95.00022

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