Search for Airports, by Name ICAO, IATA or FAA Code

Many airports around the world have an alphanumerical reference code to identify them. IATA codes are generally three letters and are mainly used for commercial ticketing and luggage tags. ICAO codes are generally four characters long, these are used operationally for flight plans. The FAA also publishes airport codes for airfields within its territory.

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Name or Code

NameOther NameICAOIATAFAALatitudeLongitude
Finca 45Finca 45MP  MP02 9.54333-82.733777
Finca 67Finca Bocas DelMP  MP17 9.431113-82.49766
Finca CeibaFinca CeibaMP  MP01 8.355-82.836388
Finca 32Finca 32MPZL   9.427086-82.562661
Findley FieldBeaufortKZ  16MO 38.40561-91.15737
National Starch And Chemical CoFinderneKZ  NJ91 40.55427-74.57877
FinoHookstownKZ  PN37 40.60506-80.45812
FindlayFindlayKZ FDY KFDY 41.013528-83.668694
Finger Lakes RgnlFinger LakesKZ  K0G7 42.883647-76.781097
BarrowsFincastleKZ  VA04 37.49208-79.92866
FincastleFincastleKZ  VA83 37.52235-79.85199
Finleyville AirparkFinleyvilleKZ  G05 40.2459-80.01228
Fina BayportSeabrookKZ  1TA0 29.61106-95.01048
Finney's AirparkAlbanyKZ  II77 40.25949-85.26053
Fin & Feather ResortGoreKZ  25OK 35.60843-95.05023
Farm StripFinlyKZ  IN98 39.68306-85.84417
SchallerFindlayKZ  27OH 40.94672-83.67993
Finkley FarmPhenix CityKZ  2AL8 32.42111-85.24805
Finley HospitalDubuqueKZ  2IA1 42.49583-90.68485
FinchPrincess AnneKZ  2MD3 38.22028-75.75278
FindlayLafayetteKZ  15II 40.33889-86.94083
HowellFindlayKZ  33IS 39.54448-88.75757
ReservoirFinksburgKZ  MD95 39.48205-76.88165
EnochFindlayKZ  35IS 39.52837-88.76396
Finley RanchClaudeKZ  4TE3 35.11672-101.4421
Willow Island AirparkFinchvilleKZ  58KY 38.1209-85.3319
Finneman PvtGolvaKZ  5ND1 46.69779-103.8908
Finca 63Finca 63MRFS   8.6525-83.065278
Finsterwalde SchacksdorfFinsterwaldeEDUS   51.607513.738
FinowFinowEDAV   52.82716713.6935
Tathams'FindlayKZ  72OI 41.07367-83.68465
FinkhavenTrout RunKZ  73PN 41.36841-77.07108
PriebeFindlayKZ  7D5 41.11394-83.68438
FinmereFinmereEG   51.591-1.0326
FinningleyFinningleyEGXI   53.285-1.0026
Finger LakePalmerKZ  99Z 61.60891-149.2908
Finlayson FarmGreenvilleKZ  9FL8 30.61659-83.65238
FinchaFinchaHAFN FNH  9.3537.21
WeaverFindlayKZ  9OH6 41.03533-83.56895
LutzFindlayKZ  9OH7 40.96172-83.59521
FerrellFindlayKZ  9OH8 40.97644-83.6416

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