Search for Airports, by Name ICAO, IATA or FAA Code

Many airports around the world have an alphanumerical reference code to identify them. IATA codes are generally three letters and are mainly used for commercial ticketing and luggage tags. ICAO codes are generally four characters long, these are used operationally for flight plans. The FAA also publishes airport codes for airfields within its territory.

Click the name of the airport to show a location map, and weather information.

Name or Code

NameOther NameICAOIATAFAALatitudeLongitude
LeonLeonLELN LEN  42.589-5.655556
Lenawee CoAdrianKZ ADG KADG 41.866278-84.078
Lenhardt AirparkLenhardt AirparkKZ  K7S9 45.180397-122.743425
LennartsonProctorKZ  MN92 46.74994-92.30019
Lower CreekLenoirKZ  NC27 35.94458-81.4901
Lanni FieldLenoirKZ  18NC 35.88902-81.61371
Lenora MuniLenoraKZ  SN03 39.62945-100.0154
Cox FarmLenoir CityKZ  TN71 35.79452-84.34159
Will A Hildreth FarmLenoir CityKZ  TN74 35.80008-84.31937
LenlingGlencrossKZ  0SD0 45.42499-100.8921
DomeyerLenoxKZ  13MO 37.67643-91.70654
LenoraSnellvilleKZ  2GA9 33.80455-83.9963
Red Shed FieldLenaKZ  2IS6 42.41807-89.82262
LenkoranLenkoranUB  UB10 38.74644248.818039
MassingaleLenoir CityKZ  3TN8 35.76397-84.18742
Reinoehl FieldLenaKZ  49II 39.60976-87.01529
Lencois PaulistaLencois PaulistaSB QGC SDLP -22.578406-48.774617
Lenoir Memorial HospitalKinstonKZ  55NC 35.28972-77.58417
DepueLenwoodKZ  6CA8 34.85639-117.1375
Lentine SouthWarren GroveKZ  6NJ0 39.78706-74.37737
LengpuiLengpuiVELP AJL  23.84059292.619747
Lenzner FarmSewickleyKZ  7PS7 40.53868-80.11728
Lens (Benifontaine)LensLFQL   50.282.4936
KramerLenaKZ  96IL 42.37502-89.84595
Lencois Chapada DiamantinaLencois ChapadaSB  SNDM -12.288-41.169
LenceroJalapaMMJA JAL  19.475083-96.797506

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