Search for Airports, by Name ICAO, IATA or FAA Code

Many airports around the world have an alphanumerical reference code to identify them. IATA codes are generally three letters and are mainly used for commercial ticketing and luggage tags. ICAO codes are generally four characters long, these are used operationally for flight plans. The FAA also publishes airport codes for airfields within its territory.

Click the name of the airport to show a location map, and weather information.

Name or Code

NameOther NameICAOIATAFAALatitudeLongitude
Lt Warren EatonNorwichKZ OIC KOIC 42.566555-75.524109
WarrenWarrenKZ  K62D 41.267028-80.927361
Warren Grove RangeWarren GroveKZ  NJ24 39.696667-74.400002
Camp RileaWarrentonKZ  15OR 46.11649-123.9315
Fox AcresWarrentonKZ  15VA 38.72234-77.89972
C.e.f.WarrentonKZ  MU02 38.80977-91.10348
StarkWarrentonKZ  MU18 38.7806-91.14737
Western Missouri Medical CenterWarrensburgKZ  MU60 38.76668-93.72216
RoanWarrenKZ  MY01 48.14581-96.75256
Warren PietschSawyerKZ  ND42 48.10305-101.0785
Warren General HospitalWarrenKZ  PA97 41.84395-79.15477
Warrenton FauquierWarrenton FauquiKZ  KW66 38.586289-77.710636
Front Royal Warren CoFront RoyalKZ FRR KFRR 38.917533-78.253514
Warren MuniWarren MuniKZ  KD37 48.191111-96.711139
Youngstown Warren RgnlYoungstownKYNG YNG YNG 41.260736-80.679097
Warren FldWarren FldKZ OCW KOCW 35.570467-77.049814
Warren Co MemMcMinnvilleKZ RNC KRNC 35.698708-85.843817
Vint Hill Farms StationWarrentonKZ  04VA 38.75123-77.67138
Lake SextonWarrensburgKZ  07MO 38.65001-93.61688
Lebanon Warren CoLebanon WarrenKZ  KI68 39.462172-84.251847
Warren-SugarbushWarrenKZ  0B7 44.11673-72.82706
Warren MuniWarren MuniKZ  K3M9 33.560444-92.085388
Bowling Green Warren Co RgnlBowling GreenKBWG BWG BWG 36.964517-86.419681
Bradley County Memorial HospitalWarrenKZ  AR70 33.61039-92.0593
Francis E Warren AfbCheyenneKZ  FEW 41.13332-104.8672
Short AirWarrensburgKZ  1MU4 38.65168-93.77882
Daugherty FieldWarrenKZ  II75 40.67921-85.41525
Warren HopelyVincentownKZ  JY18 39.92833-74.76222
Fawn LakeWarrentonKZ  2MO7 38.86666-91.08611
WarrenWarrenYWRN QRR  -31.733333147.8025
Warren /usfs/WarrenKZ  3U1 45.26824-115.6835
Ayres-AicpWarrentonKZ  3VA0 38.77595-77.91055
The MeadowsWarrentonKZ  3VA1 38.77428-77.79971
AviacresWarrentonKZ  3VA2 38.62429-77.7861
Flying Circus AerodromeWarrentonKZ  3VA3 38.5504-77.71583
OwingsWarrensburgKZ  42IL 39.98754-89.08175
Anchorage Farm FieldWarrentonKZ  56TX 30.00939-96.75942
Warren HospitalPhillipsburgKZ  5NJ7 40.7026-75.17796
Lentine SouthWarren GroveKZ  6NJ0 39.78706-74.37737
Warren AirparkWarrenKZ  7PA1 41.86589-79.20616
Warrenton Air ParkWarrentonKZ  7VG0 38.65567-77.78722
SloasWarrenKZ  80OH 41.26672-80.76647
Warren CountyWarrentonKZ  81NC 36.42237-78.1386
Fauquier Hospital Emergency TransportWarrentonKZ  8VA3 38.71151-77.80944
WarrenSomonaukKZ  95LL 41.64778-88.69444
Cow PastureWarrenKZ  98XS 30.6252-94.39325

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