Swift-E-Logbook - EASA/JAA Pilot Logbook Software

Software for Windows
Swift-E-Logbook is an Electronic Flight Logbook suitable for all aviators from student and private pilots to airline captains.
Price $74.00 USD

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Need a Smarter Flight Logbook?
Swift-E-Logbook is the quick, easy and accurate software solution for pilots to ease the chore of logging personal flight times,
and produce a record of flying experience in a EASA/JAA logbook format, complying with JAR 1.080.
Save time, no more adding up times- line by line, column by column, page by page.
Digitise your trusty paper flight logbook to see your pilot logbook data in ways you've never imagined.
Electronic backups or paper printouts similar to the traditional paper flight logbooks can be made, having several copies is useful in the case of loss or theft of a pilot logbook.
Logbook Features
Automatic day / night - flight time calculations
Smart auto-fill for quick and accurate flight data entry
Integrated database of over 30,000 worldwide airfields, enter airfields flown to or from by ICAO, IATA or FAA codes
EASA/JAR-FCL compliant printouts
Runs on Windows 7 SP1, 8, 10 and 11
Both 32 bit and 64 bit versions available
Licensed per user - user can install this software program on multiple PCs or Laptops
Powerful search functions
Sunrise and sunset time calculator
Both Decimal and HH:MM time formats may be used
Keep track of expiry dates
Use multiple logbooks
Free 'Mobile Log Book' - Pocket PC companion program
The flight logbook information can be sorted, filtered, summarised and presented in report or graphical formats, this can save many hours compared to finding information from traditional paper pilot logbooks.
If you are searching for employment as flight crew, employers often
have requirements for your flying experience to be broken down into different
categories; with this software program you can easily classify your flying experience.
Consider how long would it take you to find the following with a traditional
Breakdown of hours flown on aircraft with a take off mass over 25 tonnes?
How many hours experience on glass cockpit aircraft?
How many different airfields visited?
Swift-E-Logbook can also be used to keep check of renewal dates and has many other useful features, for example it can easily answer the following questions:
What is the sunset time next Friday at Heathrow?
When did I last operate to Funchal?
What is the IATA code for Biggin Hill?
What is the great circle distance between Edinburgh and Nice?
How many hours have I flown in the last 28 days?
To learn more click the following links
a 30 day evaluation copy of Swift-E-Logbook
Try before you buy. We recommend you try the evaluation version of our pilots logbook program before purchasing the full version. The evaluation version contains many of the features found in the full version and is valid for 30 days.
- the full version of Swift-E-Logbook
example pages from the logbook program
see Swift-E-Logbook in action
If you have a Pocket PC running Windows Mobile you should also look at our FREE Mobile Logbook program